Our Vision - A World With
Nobody Left Behind

Moving our bodies is one of the best ways to feel healthy, confident, and connected to the world around us. It’s also…hard. And it gets harder with every year of a life well lived. Having experienced many movement challenges - both ourselves and through the people we love - we’ve seen their outsized effect on every other part of life.

Our team met while working at Google X where we spent years exploring how wearable robotics can best support human movement. Now at Skip, we’re building a new product category called movewear - integrating exoskeleton technology into consumer products that support you as you move effortlessly, confidently, and joyfully.

We believe that it’s not enough to make mobility products that are useful - to make a real difference in how people move they need to be something you can’t wait to put on in the morning and tell all your friends about.

We hope you’ll join us on our journey!

Introducing Movewear

A New Product Category for the 21st Century

You’ve got sleepwear for ultimate comfort and outerwear for ultimate protection from the elements. Movewear gives you ultimate support when you’re on the move.

At Skip, we believe the most meaningful way to make progress on mobility - one of the biggest challenges of the century - is through products that are wearable, powered, & designed for the “missing middle” of users that has historically been overlooked. We’re calling them Movewear.

Movewear takes learnings from disparate industries and brings them together in a radically new way:

  • The deep tech learnings of the exoskeleton space around how to transfer forces (power) to the body effectively

  • The algorithmic approaches of the artificial intelligence & machine learning spaces for how to understand and interpret data (movement data in this case) to augment users in ways that feel natural, desirable, and trustworthy

  • The human factors learnings of what makes a supremely comfortable wearable device

  • The UX and industrial design learnings of the consumer tech space about what makes an easy-to-use, good-looking product that helps drive meaningful behavior change

MO/GO™ is Skip’s first Movewear product.

We’ll be sharing more content in the coming weeks about our category design philosophy. Follow us to learn more and reach out if you have thoughts you’d like to share!

Meet the Team

Kathryn Zealand

Anna Roumiantseva

Alex Gryb smiling with his arms crossed. Software at Skip.

Patrick Franks

Alex Gryb

Nic Hite smiling. Wearable Robotics Engineer.
Tess Jarrett Head of Operations at Skip.

Nic Hite

Tess Jarrett

Erik Lamers

Shane Mattner

Andy Metzger

Keaton Scherpereel

Shane Mattner wearing glasses and smiling. Embedded Software and Engineer
Erik Lamers Mechanical Engineer
Keaton Scherpereel controls and machine learning
Andy Metzger with crossed arms wearing a bright orange shirt. Mechanical Design Engineer and Robotics

Daniel Tachibana
Soft Goods